Rabu, 18 Juni 2008

How Your Personal Data Can Cure Cancer

How Your Personal Data Can Cure Cancer
Imagine a child, lying on his bed in hospital. He can't do thing for himself, doing anything on a wheelchair, bald head and not a friend visiting.

He had a cancer.

Did you know that you can actually save him?
Well of course you know what cancer is, not only it robs bodies, but in the end, life as well. But do you have a thought on that?

So how can I save him? By entering valid data on surveys. Paper surveys, form surveys, interview surveys, all kind of surveys. Your little personal data, only if it is valid, can have tremendous effect. In research, scientists are collecting data through surveys. You may not know it, but who knows they are trying to find medicine that can cure cancer, or AIDS.

It's in The Paper, er...Forms in Webpage
Validity plays part on the research, it is usually the first test. Validity test makes sure that the survey can be proceed to the next test. If on survey is not valid, they just tear away that survey paper right to the bin. You don't want that, do you?

Of course you want to make contribution to the research. You want save lives.

Your data, is an asset to them as long as it is VALID. You might get something in return when you do it right. It may give you peace of mind in return. From now on, give your best opinion and be seriously responsible for your opinion.

You might save life. Start by taking a small step registering here.

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